2014年12月25日 星期四

Dr Christopher Tong Yung Man Guilty of Professional Misconduct For Improperly Touching the Breasts and Private Parts of Five Female Patients

SCMP (Monday, 5 November, 2012)


Dr Christopher Tong Yung Man was found guilty of professional misconduct and permanently deregistered after he secretly took pictures of six women patients and improperly touched the breasts and private parts of five of them.

Dr Christopher Tong Yung Man, 33, was convicted on 11 counts of failing to meet the professional standard for medical practitioners.  The council described Dr Christopher Tong Yung Man, as "scandalous and unethical" after he was found to have several cameras in his Tai Wai clinic.

A total of 34 photos and seven videos of six patients taken in 2007 and 2008 were found.

Dr Allan So Cheuk Wai Found Guilty of Molesting Three Nurses at a Public Hospital.

SCMP (Saturday, 24 November, 2012)


Dr Allan So Cheuk Wai was yesterday sentenced to 16 weeks in jail after he was found guilty of molesting three nurses at a public hospital.

Magistrate Ko Wai-hung sentenced neurosurgeon Dr Allan So Cheuk Wai, 36, in Kowloon City Court, for his conviction on three counts of indecent assault and two counts of committing an act outraging public decency.

The court previously heard that Dr Allan So Cheuk Wai molested three nurses, aged between 27 and 41, and exposed himself on various occasions between January 2010 and June last year. One victim said Dr Allan So Cheuk Wai approached her from behind at a nursing station and pressed his genitals against her hand. He was fully dressed at the time. Another victim said Dr Allan So Cheuk Wai, who is married, exposed his pubic hair and penis to her while she was showing him how to use a safety pin to secure his loose trousers.

The judge said an immediate custodial sentence was "the only option" because the offences were serious and Dr Allan So Cheuk Wai showed "no remorse" - insisting on his innocence throughout the trial.

Dr Tsoi Wing Sang Guilty of Professional Misconduct

SCMP (Monday 3 June, 2013)


Asking a female patient to pose like a dog that's urinating, and telling her to find herself a man: those were requests made by a doctor that have now landed him in hot water.

Dr Tsoi Wing-sang was found guilty by the Medical Council yesterday of professional misconduct after a 41-year-old former school teacher, known as Ms A, accused him of sexually harassing her.

He was found guilty on two charges - one of making statements of a sexual nature, and another of asking a patient to perform unnecessary postures under the pretext of treatment.

Tsoi was removed from the council's registry for 12 months, but the penalty was suspended for three years. It means he will be able to continue practising unless convicted again within the next three years.

"I was in a short skirt and he asked me to put my left hand up and bend my left leg back, like a dog peeing," said the teacher, imitating the pose at the disciplinary hearing.

The incident took place on May 8 last year, when Ms A was seeking treatment for the flu, rhinitis and insomnia.

"Oh, Ms A, you're so hot, you should get married and go hook up with a man as soon as possible," he reportedly suggested as a way to relieve the insomnia.

Tsoi repeatedly told the council that the insomnia had been caused by Ms A's negative thoughts and depression, but did not present any evidence supporting such a diagnosis when pressed during the hearing.

This is the third time Tsoi has been disciplined by the council in his 20-year career. In 2004 he was found guilty of presenting false credentials, and in 2006 he was handed a warning after failing to disclose a criminal conviction. He had failed to keep a proper register of dangerous drugs.

Tsoi's practice is currently based in To Kwa Wan, eastern kowloon.

Joseph Lau Wan-yee, chairman of the council, said this was the first conviction for verbal abuse. "We have to send a clear message to the public that we will not tolerate this kind of obscene remark," he said.

When asked whether the sentencing was too lenient, Lau said the council had taken into account past sentencing for sexual misconduct by the Medical Council in making their decision. Tsoi denied making any comments of a sexual nature, but admitted he had jokingly told Ms A to get married to a rich man and move to the Mid-Levels to cure her insomnia and rhinitis.

Tsoi had filed a writ with the High Court against Ms A in March, saying she had defamed him with malicious intent by accusing him of sexual harassment, but he later told the council it had been a misunderstanding. A legal officer accused Tsoi of making "contradictory" statements and being inconsistent with his facts.

Dr Barry Tsang Ka Hung Guilty of Professional Misconduct for Having Sex With a Woman Patient


(SCMP, Tuesday, 19 March, 2013)

Dr Barry Tsang Ka Hung has been found guilty of three charges of professional misconduct for selling insurance to and having sex with a woman patient, the Medical Council announced last night.

The professional ruling body has yet to decide the penalty for Dr Barry Tsang Ka Hung, 42, who could be permanently deregistered as a doctor.

Dr Barry Tsang Ka Hung was seen shaking his head and sighing when the ruling was announced.

Dr Barry Tsang Ka Hung, who has practised privately since graduating from Chinese University medical school in 1994, had sold the woman insurance after saying that he had money problems, the disciplinary inquiry was earlier told.

He denied the allegations.

In the initial hearing in January, the patient claimed she and Tsang had sex twice in his clinic and three times in guest houses in 2009.

The patient said earlier she and Tsang were lovers from February to October 2009, during which time she was also seeing him as a doctor.

They split after Tsang told her he was getting back with his wife. She said Tsang had told her he was divorced and had shown her what he claimed was a copy of his divorce papers.

In October 2009, she tested positive for human papillomavirus, or HPV, which causes genital warts. She later said she was not accusing the doctor of giving her HPV, only that there was a possibility he had done so.

The woman also said she had bought insurance to help Tsang after he said he was in financial difficulties in 2008 and 2009.

In February 2011 Tsang was found guilty in Kwun Tong Court of cheating the Department of Health out of HK$960 with false claims that he had given influenza vaccinations to four elderly people in 2009. He was sentenced to 120 hours of community service.

前聯合醫院精神科醫生羅文友與女病人性交永久釘牌 - Former United Hospital Psychiatrist Dr Law Man Yau Banned for Life for Having Sex with a Female Patient






灣仔告士打道解款車跌錢事件中,負責押運鈔票的解款公司G4S今日再發表聲明,對中銀香港造成的影響及對廣大市民帶來不便致歉,又指公司會按合約內容,處理日後與中銀香港相關的索償事宜。 G4S表示,事發時負責押運款項的3名解款員已被停職;解款車現正被扣留,公司會全力配合警方調查,並承諾會即時作出調整措施,避免類似事件再次發生。














2014年12月23日 星期二




警疑涉造假 婦脫販毒


警辯寫錯 官:荒謬之至








Blinded by Desire for High Life, Rafael Hui Jailed for 7½ years; Thomas Kwok Imprisoned for Five Years


Disgraced Rafael Hui Si-yan, who was "blinded by the desire to sustain the high life", was yesterday jailed for 7½ years, becoming the highest-ranking former Hong Kong official ever to be locked up.

Property billionaire Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong was sentenced to spend the next five years in a cell, as a key chapter closed in the biggest graft trial in the city's history.

The High Court's landmark ruling sends a clear warning against business-government corruption in today's Hong Kong.

"Like all tragic characters, you had a flaw," Mr Justice Andrew Macrae said as he sentenced the stony-faced Hui, 66. "Whether one uses the pejorative word 'greed' or puts it more kindly that you were blinded by the desire to sustain the high life to which you had been accustomed."

He added: "Had it not been for this case, you [Hui] would probably have gone down in history as one of Hong Kong's finest chief secretaries in recent years.

"It is quite clear to me that you were very adept at using your anticipated position to gain as much advantage for yourself," Macrae told the former government No 2, who pocketed HK$8.5 million from Kwok up to a few hours before he was sworn in as chief secretary in 2005. "High-ranking officials in particular owe a duty ... to the people of Hong Kong," Macrae said. "The breach of that duty and trust is a significant aspect of your culpability."

Hui took a total of almost HK$20 million in bribes to be favourably disposed to Sun Hung Kai Properties. He was found guilty of five out of eight counts, including misconduct in public office and bribery.

"It would have been very easy for useful information [such as] government thinking or policy to be communicated to someone outside the government," the judge said. "I am not so naive as to suppose that just because no specific quid pro quo can be identified, there was not."

Hong Kong had for years lived with a perception of government and business cosying up to each other, Macrae said. "Regrettably this case will have done nothing to dispel that perception." It was vital for the two sides to remain corruption-free - "particularly when the mainland is taking obvious and positive steps to eradicate the cancer of corruption".

The judge also imposed a HK$500,000 fine on Kwok, who was SHKP co-chairman until last week, a punishment he said was "necessary to deter others tempted" to bribe public officials.

Kwok's former subordinate Thomas Chan Kui-yuen - an SHKP executive director until his conviction - was jailed for six years and fined the same amount. Francis Kwan Hung-sang, a former stock exchange official, wept when he was sentenced to five years in jail.

Chan and Kwan were involved in all the payments, including an HK$11.182 million bribe in 2007. Hui was ordered to pay that sum to the government under bribery laws - although this will have little meaning as he has already declared bankruptcy.

The case came to light in 2008 when the graft-buster received an anonymous report, and arrests were made in 2012.

Full Text of the Reasons for Sentence: -

I will begin if I may by making some observations about this particular case which I have now lived with as judge since the first application connected with these proceedings was made on 15 July last year. Although preceded by several pre-trial applications, the trial proper started on 8 May 2014, more than 7 months ago. The jury of nine heard evidence from more than 80 witnesses. My summing-up alone took 5 days to complete. 

At one stage,  there were listed in front of me 21 counsel, 5 of them from the English Bar, and amongst the 21, no less than 8 leading counsel. As one might expect in such circumstances, the proceedings have been difficult not only in terms of the evidence and the time it has taken, but in the multiplicity of issues which have been engaged and which I have been required to deal with during the trial process. However, in all of that process, nothing has been more difficult than the sentencing of the defendants in front of me today.

It is often said that sentencing is an art and not a science. If it were a science, it would no doubt be an easier exercise to conduct. In truth, sentencing is one of the most difficult functions a judge can perform, particularly when dealing with offences where there are no guidelines beyond various expressions of judicial opinion in other cases dealing with the same offence but with very different facts.  And it is particularly difficult when one is dealing with otherwise decent men, who are not young but who have committed serious offences. 

For the two facets of sentencing, the first which requires a judge to exercise a public duty in dealing effectively and consistently with serious crimes, and the second which requires him to mitigate the harsh effects of that sentence by acknowledging in an appropriate way the personal circumstances of the individual, are not always an easy balance to achieve. However, our system gives to the judge who has heard the evidence the unique discretion to act in a principled way to effect that balance, even though the way he exercises that discretion will always provoke those who have not had the advantage of hearing the evidence to  say that he has leant too far one way or too far the other.
I have been taken to guidelines in the United Kingdom issued by the Sentencing Council in relation to Fraud, Bribery and Money Laundering. They are helpful to some extent in identifying the various factors of culpability and harm, which may be engaged in corruption offences but the law of England is different, their maximum sentences for such offences are different, their experience of these offences is different and Hong Kong has long developed its own approach and sentencing jurisprudence  to this area of sentencing law.

The first defendant, Mr Rafael Hui, falls to be dealt with for 5 offences: Count 5 of Conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office, contrary to common law; Count 7, Conspiracy to offer an advantage to a public servant, contrary to sections 4(1)(a) of the Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, Cap 201; and three counts of misconduct in public office, contrary to common law, namely Counts 1, 6 and 8.

The second defendant, Mr Thomas Kwok Ping­ kwong, has been found guilty of Count 5 alone.

The fourth defendant, Mr Thomas Chan Kui-yuen and the fifth defendant, Mr Francis Kwan Hung  Sang, fall to be dealt with for the two conspiracies of which they were found guilty, namely Counts 5 and 7.

All of the defendants are currently in their sixties, Mr Hui 66, Mr Kwok 63, Mr Chan 68 and Mr Kwan 64. All are of unblemished character and I accept that going to prison for the first time at this stage of their lives will be a particular hardship for all of them, no doubt exacerbated by the health issues, which each of them has. I wish to make clear that I have borne in mind their ages when considering the appropriate sentences they must serve; in particular, in the significance to be attached to their good characters.

I propose to deal with the second defendant first, because in a sense his case is the most straight-forward, given that he must be sentenced for one offence only, the maximum sentence prescribed by law being 7 years' imprisonment.

The first question, which I must address, is what the starting point should be for a single offence of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office committed in the circumstances of this case. There is a compelling argument that the payment of HK$18.5 million bribe by the instigator of the offence to the No 2 in Government, made in a deliberately complex and intricate way through various co-conspirators, which then took months if not years to uncover, is an extremely serious example of the offence. It should also be recognized that it is not the function of judges to use their imaginations to conjure up even worse examples of the offence with which they are dealing, but to consider the worst type of offence which comes before the court and ask themselves whether the particular case they are dealing with it comes within the broad band of that type. Accordingly, there is a compelling argument that this offence merits a starting point at the maximum of 7 years imprisonment.

I have considered this argument, but I am minded to agree with Ms Montgomery (and with Mr Choy and Mr Winter) that this is not a case for the adoption of the maximum sentence as a starting point. Serious though it is (given the high degree of trust placed in D1 by the government and the people of Hong Kong when he was sworn in as Chief Secretary to the HKSAR Government), the case against the second defendant has never been that D1, as Chief Secretary, in fact did anything specific, or in fact did anything which he would not otherwise have done, for the money which he received. The allegation has always been that the defendants conspired together for Dl to misconduct himself by being or remaining favourably disposed to Sun Hung Kai Properties or the other entities set out in the count. I am not so naive as to suppose that just because no specific quid pro quo can be identified, there was not, in view of the sheer size of the payment, thereby created a relationship in which it would have been very easy for useful information on about government thinking or policy to be communicated to someone outside the government. Nevertheless, I am prepared to proceed on the basis that the notion of a public official doing something favourable in return for a payment is at its most attenuated, to paraphrase McMullin J (as he then was) in Attorney-General  v Chung Fat-Nfing [1978] HKLR 480 at 488, in the context of the allegation of favourable disposition by being kept sweet.

In my view, the appropriate starting point in this case for the instigator of fill offence such as Count 5, as averred by the prosecution, is one of 6 years' imprisonment. I am satisfied in adopting that lower starting point by the fact that I also intend to pass upon the second defendant a substantial fine, which I deem necessary to deter others tempted to embark on a course of conduct which subverts the conduct of public officials.

The next question is to what extent that starting point is mitigated by the personal  circumstances of the defendant. Anyone reading the bundle of testamentary documents produced by Ms Montgomery  on behalf of Mr Thomas Kwok, or listening to Dr Choi or Ms Pullinger, could not fail to be moved by the genuineness of Mr Kwok's Christian faith and his compassion for those less fortunate tham himself. There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you, Mr Kwok, are at heart a good man and a sincere one, whose work and altruism have touched the lives of a great many people. Your good
works over very many years have earned you a well-deserved reputation as a genuinely motivated philanthropist and not just someone who can afford to be generous. But what may not have been appreciated by the general public is the full extent of your altruism which has extended, as some of the letters, for example that of Mr Lau Yuan Chum, reveal, beyond the churches and the charities you support, beyond the staff of Sun Hung Kai whom you might be expected to exhibit a special concern for when they are confronted by personal difficulties, to ordinary people caught up in personal tragedies with which they cannot cope. And all of these people say the same thing, that at no time have you looked for any recognition for the good you have and and that you are at all times genuinely motivated by your faith.

In my judgment, if the mitigation of positive good character means anything, I must place these matters fully in the sentencing balance and give effect to them in a real way. I propose, therefore, to give you a one year reduction for mitigation from the starting point of 6 years. Were I to give you more than a one year reduction, I would be giving undue regard to your personal mitigation and run the risk of approaching your sentence as though you had pleaded guilty, which would not be a principled exercise of my sentencing discretion.

The sentence that I must pass on you is, therefore, one of 5 years' imprisonment.   I will also order that you pay a fine of $500,000, in default of which you will serve a further one year of imprisonment.

I have no doubt you will have learned from this experience and you, above all people, will know that while there may be pain in the night, joy comes in the morning.  I accept Ms Montgomery' s submissions in relation to disqualification. I shall order that you be disqualified under section 168D of the Companies Ordinance, Cap 32 from being a director of any company for a period of 5 years from today...

法官關注麥高義資深大律師處理案件手法 - Judge Expressed Concerns About the Way Gerald McCoy SC Dealt With the Case


在案中被裁定罪名不成立的郭炳聯,法官關注代表他的大律師處理案件的手法,希望大律師公會跟進。  郭炳聯前年三月被廉署拘捕後,透過資深大律師麥高義向律政司呈交一份陳述書,回應廉署的指控,控方後來用陳述書來指控郭炳聯。  法官麥機智對大律師的做法表示關注,更指有其他法官都對這做法感驚訝。若郭炳聯有出庭作供,不認同陳述書的內容,情況會很棘手。特別是麥高義,在本案一度代表郭炳聯出庭,希望大律師公會能在這方面發出指引。

2014年12月22日 星期一

法官下令郭炳灴及陳鉅源各支付訟費1250萬 - Justice Andrew Macrae Ordered Thomas Kwok and Thomas Chan To Pay Costs to the Prosecution


Justice Andrew Macrae has ordered former Sun Hung Kai Properties co-chairman Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong and executive director Thomas Chan Kui-yuen to pay the legal fees -- HK$12.5 million each -- of the case.


許仕仁案:四人判囚5至7年半 - Rafael Hui's Case - 4 Defendants Imprisoned for 5 to 7 and a Half Years -








Former Chief Secretary Rafael Hui Si-yan has been sentenced to 7.5 years in prison.

On Friday, he was found guilty by a High Court jury of accepting HK$8.5 million in bribes from former Sun Hung Kai Properties co-chairman, Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong, in return for the former official to be "favorably disposed" to the developer.

Kwok, who was found guilty of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office, was sentenced to five years in prison and fined HK$500,000.

2014年12月20日 星期六

許仕仁情婦曝光 - Identity of Rafael Hui's Mistress Revealed


前政務司司長許仕仁昨日被法庭判公職人員行為失當及受賄近二千萬元等五項罪名成立。原來許落得鋃鐺入獄下場的背後主因之一,是曾大花金錢博取年齡相差三十三年的「小三」歡心所累。許仕仁曾在庭上自辯時自爆○八年起「包養上海小三」, 本報查悉, 許仕仁口中的「小三」,原來是港龍航空的前空姐Eline,她樣貌甜美,在○五年一次飯局中透過朋友介紹而認識許仕仁,當年她年僅二十四歲,許仕仁見她年輕貌美,即將個人的手機號碼告知對方,三年後空姐結過婚又離過婚,為了「想找人依靠」,決定於○八年藉旅遊來港找許仕仁,許即時答應會照顧她。自此她每次來港均由許安排入住金鐘六星級港麗酒店,兩人每次見面都會發生性行為。







2014年12月18日 星期四

許仕仁5罪成 - Rafael Hui Convicted of 5 Charges


Rafael Hui Convicted of 5 Charges - 許仕仁5罪成






Former Chief Secretary Rafael Hui Si-yan has been found guilty by a High Court jury of accepting HK$8.5 million in bribes from Sun Hung Kai Properties co-chairman, Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong, in return for the former official to be "favorably disposed" to the developer.

Hui was found guilty of three counts of misconduct in public office, one count of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office and one count of conspiracy to offer an advantage to public servant.

Thomas Kwok was found guilty of one count of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office.
His brother Raymond Kwok Ping-luen was clear of all charges.

Former Hong Kong stock exchange official Francis Kwan Hung-sang and Sun Hung Kai Properties executive director Thomas Chan Kui-yuen were each found guilty to two counts of charges.

The jurors spent the last five day before coming up with the verdicts. They found nothing wrong with other multi-million dollar payments Hui received from the Kwok's brothers.

2014年12月17日 星期三

破產許仕仁拍賣鹹碟 - Bankrupt Raphael Hui's Collection of Pornographic Materials Auctioned


 Bankrupt Raphael Hui's Collection of Pornographic Materials Auctioned - 破產許仕仁拍賣鹹碟


另外,據許仕仁的破產受託人在報章刊登廣告所示,被拍賣的許仕仁珍藏中以音樂黑膠碟及雷射影碟為主,分別有古典音樂、爵士、流行搖滾及電子樂。許收藏不同年代各國著名歌手和樂隊的唱片,如The Beatles、BEEGEES、日本女歌手五輪真弓等,當中一套內有十六張日本一九八七年《頭版》The Beatles絕版雷射唱片,價值逾十萬元。許仕仁的古典音樂唱片份量亦不輕,當中大部分為日版珍藏,亦不乏卡拉揚、蘇提等殿堂級指揮家的名盤。許亦鍾情張國榮和梅艷芳,有多張二人絕版唱片出售。

據悉,許仕仁曾在一個月內光顧「香港唱片」九次,○五至一○年間,他在「香港唱片」的以信用卡消費二百萬元。許又曾在○七年十一月,一日內兩次光顧唱片店「Sam the Record Man」,合共碌卡達十九萬五千元掃碟。

2014年12月10日 星期三

令人厭惡的警長朱仲明醉酒亂舞槍罪成 - Disgusting Police Sergeant Chu Chung Ming Guilty of Holding Gun While Drunk






2014年12月4日 星期四

Mongkok Police Station Rapist Pleaded Guilty - 旺角警署強姦案被捕探員梁禮仲在高等法院承認四項強姦及非禮罪


























當「黃Sir」談到做愛姿勢時,更掰開C雙腿及伸手入其裙內撫弄一番,C掙脫魔掌後,以強硬態度要求「黃Sir」報上警員編號,表示要投訴他之後,才獲准離開。 可惜被嚇得三魂不見七魄的C,受辱後只顧慌忙逃走,未有即時就事件作出舉報。








長做臥底 是非難分












2014年12月1日 星期一

Lawyer Counsel and Barrister Miss Valerie Tin Tin Lim Had Been Struck Off the Roll of Barristers for Gross Misconduct

Lawyer Counsel and Barrister Miss Valerie Tin Tin Lim Had Been Struck Off the Roll of Barristers for Gross Misconduct

By a Statement of Findings dated 29 April 2014, a Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal found two (2) complaints of professional misconduct against Ms. Lim Tin Tin Valerie (“Lim”) to have been proved. Further, by Reasons for Sentence dated 7 November 2014, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal ordered, inter alia. that Lim’s name be struck off the Roll of Barristers.

(Source 1: http://www.hkba.org/the-bar/discipline/bdt/Statement%20of%20Findings%2020140429.pdf)

(Source 2: http://www.hkba.org/the-bar/discipline/bdt/Reasons%20for%20Sentence%2020141107.pdf)

(Source 3: http://www.hkba.org/the-bar/discipline/bdt/index.html)

2014年11月27日 星期四

裁判官指上訴人陳柏年大律師的行為令人厭惡 - Magistrate Said the Behaviour of Lawyer, Counsel and Barrister Perry Chan was Disgusting


HCMA 258 / 2014 - 香港特別行政區 訴 陳柏年大律師

判案日期: 2014年11月25日
主審法官: 高等法院原訟法庭法官馮驊

裁判官指上訴人 [陳柏年大律師] 的行為令人厭惡... 上訴人 [陳柏年大律師] 不讓座這不合理、不文明行為...

朱經緯警司無故揮警棍一嘢摳香港市民後頸 - Superintendent of Police Franklin Chu (Chu King Wai) Hit the Back of a Hong Kong Citizen's Neck with a Baton for No Reason





May we ask whether the Hong Kong Police is entitled to assault the back of a citizen's neck just because he "walked pass" the Police peacefully?




旺角兩個月來多次爆發警民衝突,有傳媒斥責警方涉嫌使用過量武力,令警民關係進一步惡化。 報道指根據《警察通例》第29章「武力與槍械的使用」規定,警務人員在可行範圍內,應盡量讓對方有機會服從警方命令,然後才可使用武力。所使用的武力必須是為達到目的而須使用的最低程度武力,而達到目的後,須立即停止使用。





(South China Morning Post, 28 November 2014)

Police slammed over Mong Kok violence after video of officer hitting peaceful protesters emerges.

Protesters complain of officers punching, kicking and smacking them on the head with batons during operation to clear Mong Kok.

2014年11月25日 星期二






骨科專科醫生楊樂賢和兒科專科醫生被投訴不適當診斷 - Improper Diagnosis Complaints Lodged Against Orthopaedist Dr Michael Yeung Lok Yin and Paediatrician Dr Lillian Ko Yang Yang

Improper Diagnosis Complaints Lodged Against Doctors (Orthopaedist Dr Michael Yeung Lok Yin and Paediatrician Dr Lillian Ko Yang Yang) - 骨科專科醫生楊樂賢和兒科專科醫生高楊揚被投訴不適當診斷


(25 November 2014) (South China Morning Post)

The Medical Council is considering allegations that two doctors improperly diagnosed a teen with allergies and heavy-metal toxicity, and prescribed unnecessary treatment.
The allegations were against orthopaedist Dr Michael Yeung Lok-yin and paediatrician Dr Lillian Ko Yang Yang, who treated teenager Patient X in 2005.
Patient X's mother, Madame A, said her son had been threatened with expulsion by his school over a suspected behavioural disorder.
After inconclusive meetings with school psychologists, Madame A found information online on linkages between behavioural problems and metal toxicity. She approached Yeung, hoping for proof Patient X had special needs due to his illness and should not be expelled.
Madame A said Yeung diagnosed her son with "multiple allergies syndrome" without any tests, and with heavy metal toxicity via hair analysis only. Yeung referred him to Ko. Ko also diagnosed metal toxicity, and suggested a one-year detoxification plan for the teen, along with visual therapy from Ko's husband, also a medical practitioner.
The disciplinary inquiry continues on Thursday.


2005年7至9月期間X向楊求診四次,當時楊在未有任何依據下,指X有多種敏感症狀,包括流鼻水、抽筋和濕疹等,但又建議替X進行頭髮測試檢驗水銀水平,並施以磁場治療(magnetic field therapy)。A說,當時楊在她沒有要求下,將X轉介予高楊揚,而楊僅將頭髮測試報告的首頁交予A,其餘數頁報告不翼而飛。

2014年11月23日 星期日

王則左大律師被舊客戶入稟高等法院民事索償 - Barrister Samuel CC Wong Sued by Former Client in the High Court

Lawyer Samuel CC Wong Sued by Former Client in the High Court - 王則左大律師被舊客戶入稟高等法院民事索償

HCA 1508/2004
  WONG CHAT CHOR, SAMUEL (1st Defendant)

Before: Deputy High Court Judge Carlson in Chambers
Date of Hearing: 12 April 2006
Date of Judgment (Handed Down): 3 May 2006

"... 21.   ... what it really boils down to is the complaint that the 1st Defendant [Barrister Lawyer & Counsel Samuel CC Wong - 王則左大律師], by accepting instructions from the Plaintiff knowingly placed himself in a situation where his own personal interest (through the 2nd Defendant) conflicted with that of his client.  They were both at the time “competing” with each other to be compensated by OLS.  Whoever got to the winning post first, in terms of executing its judgment, achieved an enormous advantage, as in fact happened for the 2nd Defendant."

(Source 1: http://www.hklii.hk/eng/hk/cases/hkcfi/2006/445.html)

(Source 2: http://legalref.judiciary.gov.hk/lrs/common/search/search_result_detail_frame.jsp?DIS=52346&QS=%28wong%2Bchat%2Bchor%29&TP=JU)

2014年11月20日 星期四

Solicitors T K Cheng and C H Kwong Guilty of Professional Misconduct - 律師鄭子駒及鄺志豪專業失當罪成被罰


Cheng Tze Kui (“1st Respondent”) and Kwong Chi Ho (“2nd Respondent”), formerly, the partners of Messrs. T.K. Cheng & Co. (a closed firm) (the “Firm”)

Hearing Date: 11 March and 2 July 2014

Findings and Order: 6 August 2014

Having considered the Affidavit filed by the Law Society and the exhibits thereto and given the admission of the 1st Respondent to the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Complaints, the admission of the 2nd Respondent to the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Complaints and the 1st and 2nd Respondents’ Agreed Facts, the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (“Tribunal”) found the 1st Respondent guilty of the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Complaints while the 2nd Respondent guilty of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Complaints.

The Complaints laid against the 1st and 2nd Respondents are as follows:

First Complaint
(against 1st Respondent)

Breach of Rule 2(e) of the Solicitors’ Practice Rules (“SPR”) in that the 1st Respondent had repeatedly failed to deliver the Accountant’s Reports of the Firm within the stipulated time to the Law Society in years 2004, 2005, 2007 and 2009 which compromised or impaired or was likely to compromise or impair a proper standard of work.

Second Complaint
(against 2nd Respondent)

Breach of Rule 2(e) of the SPR in that the 2nd Respondent had repeatedly failed to deliver the Accountant’s Reports of the Firm within the stipulated time to the Law Society in years 2007 and 2009 which compromised or impaired or was likely to compromise or impair a proper standard of work.

Third Complaint
(against 1st and 2nd Respondents)

Breach of Section 8(1) of the Legal Practitioners Ordinance in that the 1st and 2nd Respondents had failed to deliver the Firm’s 2009–2010 Accountant’s Report to the Law Society within the stipulated time in 2010.

Fourth Complaint
(against 1st and 2nd Respondents)

Breach of Rule 10(1) and 10(2) of the Solicitors’ Accounts Rules (“SAR”) in that the 1st and 2nd Respondents had failed to keep properly written up books and accounts of the Firm’s client accounts from September 2010 to May2011.

Fifth Complaint
(against 1st and 2nd Respondents)

Breach of Rule 10A of the SAR in that the 1st and 2nd Respondents had failed to prepare reconciliations of client accounts of all the bank accounts of the Firm from September 2010 to May 2011 save for one of the Firm’s banks for the months of August and September 2010 and for the Firm’s other bank for the month of August 2010.

Sixth Complaint
(against 1st and 2nd Respondents)

Breach of Rule 11 of the SAR in that the 1st and 2nd Respondents had from December 2010 to May 2011 failed to produce to the Monitoring Accountants appointed by the Council of the Law Society (the “Council”) the Firm’s books and accounts for their inspection when they visited the Firm at the direction of the Council on 11 January, 18 April and 3May 2011.

And upon hearing the mitigation submissions made on behalf of the 1st and 2nd Respondents, the Tribunal ordered, inter alia, that:

In respect of the 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Complaints, the 1st Respondent be censured; and fined with a sum of HK$30,000, together with a condition imposed on him whereby he may not practise as a sole practitioner or in any partnership for a period of 2 years from the date of the Order (6 August 2014);

In respect of the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th and 6th Complaints, the 2nd Respondent be fined with a sum of HK$30,000; and

Costs of these proceedings, including the costs of the Law Society, the Prosecutor and the Clerk to the Tribunal, to be paid by the 1st and 2nd Respondents and to be taxed on a party-and-party basis, if not agreed.



鄭子駒律師(下稱「第一答辯人」)及鄺志豪律師(下稱「第二答辯人」) 前為鄭子駒律師行(已結業) (下稱「該律師行」)合夥人

聆訊日期: 2014年3月11日及7月2日

裁斷及命令: 2014年8月6日



















一代影壇猛人向華勝病逝北京 - Heung Wa Sing Died in Beijing Aged 64










2014年11月5日 星期三

Rafael Hui Trial Revealed Rotten Heart of Hong Kong Government, Says Prosecutor David Perry QC


The heart of Hong Kong government was “rotten” when former chief secretary Rafael Hui Si-yan pocketed multimillion-dollar bribes from billionaire property developers, prosecutors said as they began wrapping up one of the city’s biggest ever graft trials today.

Starting a four-day closing submission summing up more than 100 days of evidence, lead prosecutor David Perry QC said it was a “simple case of misconduct in public office” by Hui.

The actions of the co-defendants, Sun Hung Kai Properties co-chairmen and brothers Thomas Kwok Ping-kwong and Raymond Kwok Ping-luen, bore “all the hallmarks of bribery”.

“There was something rotten at the heart of the government of Hong Kong,” said Perry. “[Hui] put his own private interest before his public duty. It is about collusion between business and government.

“The prosecution has to say with regret that the defendants have told lies,” he added.

Perry said Hui’s earlier role as managing director of the Mandatory Provident Fund Schemes Authority (MPFA) was also “hopelessly compromised” because of his “divided loyalty”.

The prosecutor asked the nine jurors not to judge Hui morally in the face of evidence about his luxurious lifestyle and spending sprees.

“He needed money to fund his immoderate and luxurious lifestyle – that’s not a criticism, that’s not a moral judgment,” Perry said.

Hui “is not on trial for his love of gourmet food, fine wine or companionship of women,” the prosecutor added.

Hui and Thomas Kwok had testified that the alleged bribes were part of a secret oral agreement made with Hui stipulating that HK$30 million be paid for two years’ consultancy between 2003 and 2005.

But Perry said: “The oral agreement is a fictitious invention of the defendants, a convenient attempt to explain away what was a bribe.”

Hui “abused” his public office, Perry said. “He was not candid, he was not truthful, he was not open about his relationship with the Kwoks ... because he received these bribes.”

He challenged the co-defendants’ testimony that the almost identical sums of money that left the Kwoks and arrived to Hui were coincidental. “An assertion of coincidence is not an explanation; it’s simply taking refuge in the denial of the connection,” he said.

“Each of the defendants, when they found themselves in difficulty, sought sanctuary in the claim of ignorance or absence of knowledge.”

When Hui was head of MPFA, he voted in favour of the public body’s renewal of its office lease in the IFC tower co-managed by SHKP. “Rather than acting with integrity, he deliberately suppressed the truth about his relationship with the Kwoks,” Perry said.

As chief secretary and later a non-official member of the Executive Council, Hui handled the West Kowloon Cultural District project, in which SHKP had an interest.

Hui, 66, faces eight charges related to bribery and misconduct in public office.

Thomas Kwok, 63, faces one charge of conspiracy to offer an advantage to Hui and two counts of conspiracy to commit misconduct in public office.

Raymond Kwok, 61, faces four charges, including one with Hui of furnishing false information. SHKP executive director Thomas Chan Kui-yuen, 68, and former Hong Kong stock exchange official Francis Kwan Hung-sang, 63, each face two charges.

All have pleaded not guilty. The trial continues before Mr Justice Andrew Macrae.

女大狀指鄭紀航裁判官性騷擾 - CHEANG Kei Hong, a magistrate, has been accused of sexual harassment for asking a barrister if she'd had her feet licked


Wednesday, November 05, 2014

CHEANG Kei Hong, a magistrate, has been accused of sexual harassment for asking a barrister if she'd had her feet licked.

Offended, the barrister has filed reports to Chief Justice Geoffrey Ma Tao-li, chief magistrate Clement Lee Hing-nin and the Equal Opportunities Commission.

The remark came on August 8 at Sha Tin Magistrates court, where an indecent assault case was being heard.

Wan Ho-yeung, a Chinese University of Hong Kong masters student in public health, was accused of licking a female schoolmate's feet at the university library in January.

The case was heard before magistrate Cheang Kei-hong, who questioned 27-year-old Wan about him licking a 20-year-old schoolmate's feet for about a minute after claiming to be a psychology student curious about women's reactions to strange behavior.

When Wan's barrister suggested that the act may not amount to indecent assault, Cheang asked: "Then have you ever tried letting others lick your feet?"

The barrister said she had not.




Solicitor Stanley Chan (Chan Wing Leung) Had Once Been Prosecuted and Tried in the High Court - 陳永良律師曾當差在80年代與12名同袍被落案控以毆打、傷人、非法禁錮及串謀妨礙司法公正等六項罪名


【雨傘革命 第39天】


記者:張婷婷 林偉聰









2014年11月2日 星期日

Pilot Killed as Virgin Galactic Spaceship Crashes in Desert During Test Flight


Virgin chief Richard Branson vowed to push on towards the dream of space flight for the paying public after the fatal crash of one of his company's spacecrafts during a test flight in California.

A pilot died and another was seriously wounded when the pioneering craft for carrying tourists broke up over the Mojave desert on Friday, raising questions about the programme's future.

While Branson voiced shock at the accident involving Virgin Galactic's SpaceShipTwo, he said he still planned to give large numbers of paying civilians a suborbital ride that would let them experience weightlessness.

"We've always known the road to space is extremely difficult - and that every new transportation system has to deal with bad days early in their history," Branson said.

"Space is hard - but worth it. We will persevere and move forward together," he added.

After travelling to the desert, Branson saluted the pilots' bravery and said he was determined to find out the cause of the crash.

He did not discuss any details of it and deferred to the investigation by experts from the US National Transportation Safety Board just getting under way.

Television images showed the wreckage of SpaceShipTwo, a test vehicle that flies to the edge of space, scattered over the desert.

The flight - the 35th by SpaceShipTwo, according to Virgin Galactic's Twitter feed - involved the same configuration as previously, although the type of fuel was new, officials said.

More than 500 people have already reserved seats - and paid a deposit on the US$250,000 ticket price - for a minutes-long suborbital flight on SpaceShipTwo, which can carry six passengers.

Two Hongkongers - a woman and a man in their late 30s - have signed up to another space tourism firm, Amsterdam-based SpaceExpedition Corp (SXC).

SpaceShipTwo's first commercial flight - in which Branson and his family have vowed to travel - has often been delayed. But it was tentatively forecast for the first half of 2015.

29歲英國籍金融才俊 Rurik Jutting 疑淪為變態妓女殺手 - Former Bank of America Merrill Lynch Employee Rurik Jutting Suspected of Murdering Two Prostitutes At Home



被捕疑兇 Rurik Jutting,未婚,英國籍,持有香港身份證,在中環一間美資投資銀行任職高層約兩年,以每月近3萬元租金,租住莊士敦道60號服務式住宅嘉薈軒31樓一個500餘平方呎的一房一廳單位。









Hong Kong police arrested a 29-year-old man in connection with the deaths of two women. The man is a British national who worked for a “top-tier global bank,” the South China Morning Post reported, citing an unidentified police source.

One of the women, who was found dead inside a suitcase at an apartment in the Wan Chai district, had injuries to her neck, Hong Kong police said in a statement yesterday. The other died from cut wounds shortly after police arrived at the scene, where the foreign man was arrested and a knife found on the premises was seized, police said.

The arrested man’s name is Rurik Jutting, Apple Daily reported on its website today. Bank of America Merrill Lynch previously had an employee of that name, said Paul Scanlon, a bank spokesman. Police couldn’t immediately respond to questions about the man’s identity.

Police arriving at the scene found an unconscious foreign woman between the ages of 25 and 30 with cut wounds. Hours later they discovered the body of the second woman inside the suitcase, the South China Morning Post reported. The two women were believed to be sex workers of Southeast Asian or Asian ethnicity and were killed several days apart, the report said.

A spokesperson for the U.K. Foreign Office confirmed that a British national had been arrested in Hong Kong, but provided no other details, the British Broadcasting Corporation reported.

“We are in touch with the local police and stand ready to provide consular assistance,” the spokesperson said, according to the BBC.


(星島日報報道) 涉及連環兇案的疑兇,為英國頂尖大學劍橋碩士,近期將參加過的佔中活動照片,上載到「臉書」,更貼出一幀與疑似菲律賓美女的合照,似乎對南亞裔女子特別喜愛,他被捕時表現迷糊,但回復清醒則顯得冷靜,拒絕警方提問,不斷用英文重複一句話︰「你自己去查」。

涉案英漢 Rurik Jutting ,為英國劍橋大學文學碩士,之前一直在倫敦生活,兩年前來港,受聘一家國際投資銀行當高層,一年前透過地產公司,以近三萬元獨自租嘉薈軒三十一樓一個五百方呎單位,並領有本港身分證。據悉,涉案單位之業主為公司名義登記。






Hong Kong police are examining a British murder suspect’s mobile phone in a quest to indentify possible further victims after two dead women were found at his Wan Chai flat on Saturday.

Detectives are also contacting pubs and vice establishments in the area to gather evidence and learn more about the background of the two dead women found in the British banker’s flat on Saturday.

The suspect - who two sources identified as 29-year-old Rurik George Caton Jutting - was arrested early on Saturday after he called police. Officers arrived at his 31st-floor apartment at around 3.45am on Saturday to discover the body of one young woman in his living room. Her throat had been slashed.

Hours later the body of the second woman was found stuffed in a suitcase on the apartment’s balcony.

It is believed that the women were sex workers of Southeast Asian or Asian ethnicity and that they may have been killed days apart.

Jutting is a Cambridge University graduate, his online profiles suggest. He previously worked for Barclays, then joined Bank of America Merrill Lynch in London.

He moved to Hong Kong last year to continue working for the same bank in structured equity finance and trading, according to his LinkedIn profile and records from the UK Financial Servies Register.

A police source said the flat at J Residence, a high-end block at 60 Johnston Road favoured by junior expatriate bankers, was "covered in blood’’.

The first victim, aged between 25 and 30, was found naked in the living room with knife wounds to her neck and buttocks. "Two cut wounds were found in her neck and her throat was slashed," the source said.

CCTV footage showed the woman and the suspect, who has not been charged, had returned to the flat at around midnight.

About eight hours after the first body was found, the naked corpse of the second woman, thought to be Indonesian and aged 25, was discovered wrapped in a carpet inside a black suitcase on the flat’s balcony. "She was nearly decapitated and her hands and legs were bound with ropes," the source said. Her passport was found at the scene.

An initial investigation found that the body in the suitcase had been there for three to four days and had started to decompose.

"We believe the woman had been dead for quite some time," said Wan Siu-hung, Wan Chai assistant district commander for crime.

He said the time gap between the bodies’ discovery was because police had to follow strict procedures to collect the evidence in the living room before searching the balcony

A small quantity of cocaine was found in the living room. "We are investigating whether [the suspect] was under the influence of illegal drugs at the time of the incident," the source said.

A spokeswoman for the Foreign and Commonwealth Office in London said: "We can confirm that a British national has been arrested in Hong Kong. We are in touch with the local police and stand ready to provide consular assistance."

Security was tight at the 40-storey block in the night to Sunday.

One person who has lived at J Residence for about a year said he had noticed an odd smell recently. "There was a stink in the building like a dead animal," he said. "It was a shock because you would never expect something like this to happen in Hong Kong."

He said the building’s occupants were mainly expatriates.

The murders are the latest in a series of shocking crimes the city has seen in recent months.

A police source said the scene of the murder in Wan Chai was among the grisliest seen since the so-called "milkshake murder" in 2003, when a high-flying American banker’s wife served him a strawberry milkshake full of sedatives before bludgeoning him to death.

2014年10月16日 星期四

反黑組總督察黃祖成高級督察劉卓毅涉濫用私刑停職 - 警循刑事方向調查


涉濫用私刑 七警身份曝光

記者:謝明明 李家傑 謝志輝 鄭啟源












7名涉打人警員停職 警循刑事方向調查





8.30 pm on Thursday October 16, 2014: A High Court judge has advised Civic Party member Ken Tsang Kin-chiu to write to Police Commissioner about a request to disclose the identities of the officers who allegedly beat him.

Tsang filed a writ the High Court at 4pm and called for an urgent hearing. One of his requests is that an interim mandatory injunction be issued, imposing an interdiction from duty. Police have already announced the suspension of seven officers.

The court also heard that Tsang needed the names of the officers to lodge private legal action against each of them. Outside the court, Tsang's lawyer, Michael Vidler, said they would give the police until Monday morning to reply to their request for the disclosure of names.

2014年10月13日 星期一

Deputy Special Magistrate Robin K T Yue (本身係大律師嘅暫委特委裁判官喻競天) Criticized by the High Court


HCMA 348/2014





1.  上訴人被裁定一項「沒有遵照交通燈指示」罪成立[1],控罪指他在去年11月6日下午12時許,在紅棉道與夏慤道交匯處,無合理辯解,違反紅色交通燈號。暫委特委裁判官喻競天 (Deputy Special Magistrate Robin K T Yue) 判罰款1,700 元,他提出定罪上訴...

10.  開始審訊時,暫委特委裁判官喻競天 (Deputy Special Magistrate Robin K T Yue) 詢問上訴人的辯護理據,當上訴人指控方證據不足,暫委特委裁判官喻競天 (Deputy Special Magistrate Robin K T Yue) 當庭恥笑,令他覺得本身係大律師嘅暫委特委裁判官喻競天 (Deputy Special Magistrate Robin K T Yue) 有先入為主,偏信控方的意向。上訴人邀請本席詳細翻聽審訊錄音,答辯人沒有反對。

11.  當上訴人表示控方證據不足時,錄音紀錄清楚聽到裁判官竊笑的聲音,雖然裁判官立即解釋並非恥笑上訴人,他明白本案不是用器材偵測,而是爭議警員觀察是否可靠,所以理解上訴人的辯護理由。單單這段對話本席認為不足以令人覺得裁判官的態度有問題,但接著有以下事情發生:

(a) 裁判官叫上訴人坐在前面,上訴人答OK。裁判官立即厲聲說唔好講OK,又叫上訴人企起身。

(b) 當上訴人表示相信爭議是肉眼觀察是否準確,錄音無聲約兩秒後,裁判官立即質疑何為「相信」。

(c) 當上訴人表示有一名辯方證人,裁判官又大聲指出紀錄顯示上訴人以前沒提及這事,又說可聽錄音,更命令主控翻查紀錄,當上訴人答稱之前曾向法庭表示過,裁判官又嚴厲地反問「我問你咩」。

(d) 裁判官問有相片否,上訴人欲澄清,裁判官立即大聲指不知上訴人有甚麼相片,只問有沒有相片。上訴人指預備了相片,裁判官追問幾多份,上訴人說兩份,裁判官指不夠,上訴人答可有三份,裁判官又指上訴人答非所問。

12.  期間,裁判官的語氣時而挖苦,時而嚴厲,但又會突然轉回溫和。只憑錄音,本席已覺無所適從,何況一個普通市民如上訴人。

13.  不但如此,在整個審訊過程,暫委特委裁判官喻競天 (Deputy Special Magistrate Robin K T Yue) 對上訴人多次挖苦,又質疑上訴人的發問技巧,令人覺得是矯枉過正。對於一般人而言,何須執著一些困難的法律原則和審訊技巧,裁判官的態度有故意刁難上訴人之嫌。雖然裁判官在批評之後,又嘗試解釋原因,但語氣既不莊重,也欠誠意。

14.  雖然裁判官也曾質疑控方的技巧,但綜觀整個審訊,他的態度明顯針對上訴人

15.  暫委特委裁判官喻競天 (Deputy Special Magistrate Robin K T Yue) 開審前雖曾詳細解釋程序,審訊時卻對上訴人批評多於協助,也多次挖苦上訴人,本席認為沒有必要。

16.  裁判官的行為是否導致不公平審訊,本席應考慮一個了解情況的聽審者會否覺得審訊不公平。

17.  本案是單對單的案件,裁判官公平衡量雙方證供至為重要。本席再三聽過審訊錄音,暫委特委裁判官喻競天 (Deputy Special Magistrate Robin K T Yue) 對上訴人的態度,並不持平。綜上所述,本席認為審訊不公平,定罪不穩妥。現判上訴人得直,推翻定罪。

2014年10月3日 星期五

"My Responses To The 10 Things They Say About Occupy Students"


South China Morning Post (Friday, 03 October 2014, by Wong Sze Wai)

I am not blindly supporting the students. I am simply supporting anyone who fights for justice. I have heard of a number of sayings about the protesters and the students, and I would like to respond to them one by one.

1. "One person one vote is already an improvement. Why don’t we take it?"

Let’s say your parents are so liberal and merciful that they allow you to enjoy the freedom to choose your own bride. The pre-requisite is that they limit your options to just two women chosen by them. In the event you like neither of them, sorry, tough luck. Do you see this as "freedom to choose"? Would you take it?

2. "It’s OK even though there is no real democracy. It has nothing to do with my life."

Many people think that even though there is no real democracy, it doesn’t impact them personally. That is not true. Without the right to elect your own leaders, it means however notorious the people in power are, they can remain in power as long as they like. They do not need to care about the needs of ordinary people. They would continue to collude with the business tycoons, and do their best to defend their interests. They would come up with every possible policy to facilitate the migration of mainlanders to Hong Kong so that they could "dilute" the Hong Kong population, despite the fact that intense conflicts have grown between the two peoples.

They could continue to erode Hong Kong’s judicial independence by ordering the judges to be patriotic to China. They could continue say things like, the CCP is the largest democratic force in Hong Kong. They continue to stifle the freedom of speech, turning almost all the newspapers and TV channels into government mouthpieces.

Perhaps you would still think all these do not bother you. But they are important to people who pursue justice. Please, at least do not pour cold water on them.

3. "Students vs the CCP? Students are bound to lose. What can students do? All will be fruitless!"

It has never been easy to fight for what you want in front of those in power. Back then, how many people had said to Martin Luther King and Gandhi respectively, that "civil disobedience will not work out"? If they had given up, what kind of life would African-Americans and Indians be living today?

If everyone obeys the authorities because they think they would in no way achieve anything by fighting against the government, there will be no human rights, justice or democracy in the world. Ordinary people would be slaves for the rich and powerful for ever and ever.

4. "They are making Hong Kong chaotic, undermining our economy, damaging HK’s international image."

Whenever people fight for their political rights they displease those in power. Are you really calling them trouble-makers for that?

Those who said that Occupy Central would severely damage Hong Kong’s economy have always been the government, its allies and the rich and powerful. How exactly would protesters affect the economy? No one could really tell. Even if it may have an impact, is the economic growth or justice more important?

Freedom, judicial independence and a clean government have always been the qualities which uphold Hong Kong’s international image. It is the authorities who more and more blatantly undermine these qualities, while the people are defending them in their own ways. Who are the ones who are actually undermining Hong Kong’s international image?

There are a lot more demonstrations, protests and marches in London than in Hong Kong. These protests have not seemed to cause any damage to London’s economy or its international image.

5. "They broke the rules. It’s not right."

For decades these pro-democracy campaigners have abided by the rules, hoping they would reach a solution through dialogue. Only after it has long proven fruitless, they have finally resorted to civil disobedience.

Is it always right to abide by the laws and rules? The reasons behind having laws and rules are to uphold fairness and justice in the society. However, under an unjust system and totalitarian rule, it is sometimes necessary to reach a bigger goal by breaking some rules.

Needless to say, not all the rules in the world are worth being followed. Let’s use the same example. What would you think if your parents say to you, "I’ve chosen two women for you and you can opt for one as your wife. This is my house rule. If you don’t do as I say, if you want to meet another girl of your choice, I will punish you as you broke my rule!"

The meaning behind civil disobedience is to break some so-called rules in a non-violent way. The participants are clearly aware that they may be arrested, which may have tremendous impact on their future. And yet they are still willing to take the risks. This is the kind of sacrifice not anyone is ready to make.

6. "They are violent. It’s not right."

If you have not been to the scene, please do not trust the media reports. People who have been there could all see how violent the police force was, and how restrained the students were.

Yes, the students climbed through an open fence to reach Civic Square, and pushed down the barriers under the flags so that they could sit down in the square. If you see these actions as violence, let me ask you this: "A woman, while being molested by a man, screamed and pushed him away. Would you call her violent and disobedient?" When injustice is around us, it is our duty to resist.

7. "The students were either manipulated, having fun, or playing heroes. They don’t know what they are doing."

Have you been to the scene to meet the students and communicate with them before saying this?

For days, they have lived outdoors under the baking sun, lacking sleep. They have not eaten properly and it has even been inconvenient to find a loo. Many of them face a lot of pressure from their parents and schools. Some were trapped by the police for more than ten hours. They are taking the risks of being arrested and having a criminal record. What they’ve been doing is admirable. Not many people could do as much.

If you cannot do what they have been doing, please at least keep quiet and don’t show disrespect.

8. "They are just making noise. Why can’t they negotiate rationally or do something more constructive?"

Before saying that, please spend some time to research what the campaigners have done in trying to "negotiate rationally". Please research how many proposals on political reform they have submitted in the hope that the government will consider. Any negotiation is two-way. If one side has already shut the door, how could the other side continue to "negotiate rationally"? After doing the research, please ask yourself: "If I were them, is there anything I could do to continue the rational negotiation?"

Please also do some research on what they have done all the way through to be constructive. Only then, ask yourself: "On top of all these, is there anything I could do to be constructive?"

If you cannot come up with a proper answer, please don’t criticise these people as "unconstructive".

9. "The Occupy Central people are so irresponsible and hypocritical!" "After all this, the students will just go back to school as usual. What could they achieve?" "What’s the point of striving for democracy under the Chinese Communist Party’s rule. Why don’t they simply launch a coup d’état against the CCP?"

Some people are opposed to the government and the CCP rule and yet have disdained those fighting for justice. They’ve blamed the pan-democratic legislators for having betrayed Hong Kong people. They’ve blamed the Occupy Central leaders for not being forward enough. They called the students’ actions impulsive and useless.

There is not much use in discussing anything with these people. I just want to ask them:

After criticising almost everyone else, do you have a better solution?

After blaming everyone else, aren’t you going back to work and living your life as usual? Or are you planning to launch a coup d’état in Tiananmen Square instead?

Even if I could do more than the protesters, I would never criticise them for not doing enough, as everyone has his own limitations. And, in any case, the fact is that I would never be able to do more than what they have done. I will never criticise them for not doing enough, not being determined enough, or not having sacrificed enough. When others do what they can, I must at least appreciate and admire.

10. "I am not interested in politics. What are they actually fighting for?" "I know nothing about politics. I don’t have a stand."

Believe it or not. A good number of people still choose to live in their own bubbles, burying their heads in the sand. They do not bother to ask any questions or make any statements. They are survivors who just want to live their lives.

The problem is that Hong Kong is a building on fire. The alarm is on. And yet you who live on the 30th floor say to yourself, "I will be fine. The fire won’t spread to the 30th floor."

It is no longer a situation where you can simply say "just leave me alone". The CCP is boiling a frog. They are bit by bit breaking the promise of "one country, two systems" to Hong Kong people. If everyone chooses to bury their head in the sand, the CCP would gladly speed up totalitarian rule in Hong Kong. Very soon, Hong Kong would then be no different to the rest of China.

If, one day, your loved one was imprisoned, tortured and killed only because he had criticised the government, would you still be able to say, "I am not interested in politics. I have no stand."

Today, you may still think that politics is abstract. Tomorrow, when you finally realise that politics is affecting your everyday life, it may be too late.