2014年11月25日 星期二

骨科專科醫生楊樂賢和兒科專科醫生被投訴不適當診斷 - Improper Diagnosis Complaints Lodged Against Orthopaedist Dr Michael Yeung Lok Yin and Paediatrician Dr Lillian Ko Yang Yang

Improper Diagnosis Complaints Lodged Against Doctors (Orthopaedist Dr Michael Yeung Lok Yin and Paediatrician Dr Lillian Ko Yang Yang) - 骨科專科醫生楊樂賢和兒科專科醫生高楊揚被投訴不適當診斷


(25 November 2014) (South China Morning Post)

The Medical Council is considering allegations that two doctors improperly diagnosed a teen with allergies and heavy-metal toxicity, and prescribed unnecessary treatment.
The allegations were against orthopaedist Dr Michael Yeung Lok-yin and paediatrician Dr Lillian Ko Yang Yang, who treated teenager Patient X in 2005.
Patient X's mother, Madame A, said her son had been threatened with expulsion by his school over a suspected behavioural disorder.
After inconclusive meetings with school psychologists, Madame A found information online on linkages between behavioural problems and metal toxicity. She approached Yeung, hoping for proof Patient X had special needs due to his illness and should not be expelled.
Madame A said Yeung diagnosed her son with "multiple allergies syndrome" without any tests, and with heavy metal toxicity via hair analysis only. Yeung referred him to Ko. Ko also diagnosed metal toxicity, and suggested a one-year detoxification plan for the teen, along with visual therapy from Ko's husband, also a medical practitioner.
The disciplinary inquiry continues on Thursday.


2005年7至9月期間X向楊求診四次,當時楊在未有任何依據下,指X有多種敏感症狀,包括流鼻水、抽筋和濕疹等,但又建議替X進行頭髮測試檢驗水銀水平,並施以磁場治療(magnetic field therapy)。A說,當時楊在她沒有要求下,將X轉介予高楊揚,而楊僅將頭髮測試報告的首頁交予A,其餘數頁報告不翼而飛。

