2014年12月1日 星期一

Lawyer Counsel and Barrister Miss Valerie Tin Tin Lim Had Been Struck Off the Roll of Barristers for Gross Misconduct

Lawyer Counsel and Barrister Miss Valerie Tin Tin Lim Had Been Struck Off the Roll of Barristers for Gross Misconduct

By a Statement of Findings dated 29 April 2014, a Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal found two (2) complaints of professional misconduct against Ms. Lim Tin Tin Valerie (“Lim”) to have been proved. Further, by Reasons for Sentence dated 7 November 2014, the Barristers Disciplinary Tribunal ordered, inter alia. that Lim’s name be struck off the Roll of Barristers.

(Source 1: http://www.hkba.org/the-bar/discipline/bdt/Statement%20of%20Findings%2020140429.pdf)

(Source 2: http://www.hkba.org/the-bar/discipline/bdt/Reasons%20for%20Sentence%2020141107.pdf)

(Source 3: http://www.hkba.org/the-bar/discipline/bdt/index.html)

