【on.cc東網專訊】律師會會長林新強律師日前評論國務院發表的一國兩制白皮書時表示,法官愛國亦不影響香港司法獨立,言論引起外界關注。律師會憲制及人權事務委員會委員任建峰及資深事務律師蔡家玲在電台節目表示,不滿林新強有關言論,已收集逾百名律師會會員簽名,要求召開特別會員大會,並提出3個動議,包括要求律師會重申白皮書對香港一國兩制、高度自治、及司法獨立是否有影響、以及要求林新強收回有關言論、及向林新強提出不信任動議。Law Society Chairman (Solicitor Ambrose Lam) Urged to Step Down
(The Standard) (June 19th, 2014)
More than 100 members of the Law Society of Hong Kong have signed a joint petition calling for the Society's chairman, Solicitor Ambrose Lam, to step down.
Lawyer Ambrose Lam has been criticized for supporting the White Paper published by the State Council last week that stated Hong Kong's high degree of autonomy was subject to the authority of the central government in Beijing. The Paper also stipulated that all judges should be patriotic.
In response, Solicitor Ambrose Lam said the requirement for judges to be patriotic did not undermine the rule of law and he saw no problem in regarding the judiciary as being part of the government's "administrators".
The petitioners accused Solicitor Ambrose Lam of not doing enough to uphold judicial independence.
A member of the Hong Kong Law Society's Constitutional and Human Rights Committee, Yam Kin-fung, said he would move a motion of no confidence against Solicitor Ambrose Lam on Friday.
The Hong Kong Bar Association earlier slammed Beijing for interfering with Hong Kong's judicial independence. --RTHK
(Source 1: http://hk.on.cc/hk/bkn/cnt/news/20140619/bkn-20140619110838600-0619_00822_001.html)
(Source 2: http://www.thestandard.com.hk/breaking_news_detail.asp?id=50922&icid=3&d_str=20140619)