2015年9月3日 星期四

Lawyer Solicitor Lee Siu Hong (Hong Lee) Guilty of Professional Misconduct - 李紹康律師專業失當罪成


Lawyer Solicitor Lee Siu Hong (Hong Lee) Guilty of Professional Misconduct

Hearing Date: 1 December 2011 and 13 June 2012
Findings of Facts: 5 March 2012
Order: 8 August 2012

On 1 December 2011, the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal (the “Tribunal”) heard both the Applicant’s case and the Respondent’s defence. The Respondent denied the complaint against him. On 5March 2012, the Tribunal found that the complaint had been proved and that the Respondent, being the sole practitioner and principal of Messrs. Hong Lee & Co., was in breach of Principles 12.04 and 12.05 of the Guide in that he, in the absence of reasonable excuse, refused and/or failed to pay barrister’s fees within 2 months from the submission of a fee note.

On 8 August 2012, the Tribunal ordered that:

a) the Respondent be censured and be fined HK$100,000; and
b) the costs of the proceedings, including the costs of the Law Society, the Prosecutor and the Clerk to the Tribunal, be paid by the Respondent, to be taxed on party-and-party basis, if not agreed.

[The Respondent filed a Notice of Appeal dated 27 August 2012 (CACV 188/2012).
On 28 February 2014, the Court of Appeal dismissed the Respondent’s appeal with costs of the appeal to the Law Society to be taxed if not agreed. On 28 May 2014, the Court of Appeal dismissed the Respondent’s application for leave to appeal to the Court of Final Appeal with costs to the Law Society. On 13 April 2015, the Appeal Committee of the Court of Final Appeal dismissed the Respondent’s application for leave to appeal (FAMV 36/2014) with no order as to costs.]



聆訊日期: 2011年12月1日及2012年6月13日
事實裁斷: 2012年3月5日
命令: 2012年8月8日



a) 對答辯人予以譴責及罰款港幣100,000元;及
b) 包括律師會的費用、檢控人員的費用及審裁組書記的費用在內的紀律程序費用由答辯人繳付,如雙方未能就費用金額達成協議,按訴訟各方對評基準評定。

[答辯人提交了一份日期為2012年8月27日的上訴通知(CACV 188/2012)。 2014年2月28日,上訴法庭駁回答辯人的上訴,訟費歸予律師會,如雙方未能就金額達成協議,訟費由法院評定;答辯人向上訴法庭申請向終審法院提出上訴的上訴許可,上訴法庭於2014年5月28日駁回答辯人的申請,訟費歸予律師會。答辯人向終審法院申請上訴許可,終審法院上訴委員會於2015年4月13日駁回答辯人的申請(FAMV 36/2014),沒有作出訟費令。]

