【on.cc東網專訊】 發展局局長陳茂波2011年任立法會議員時,被指與妻許步明聯署發電郵,誹謗其女兒所讀的漢基國際學校校董盧光漢包庇子女作弊。高院今日裁決,指對陳茂波一方大部分指控成立,需向3名原告賠償23萬元。
2014年9月30日 星期二
陳茂波夫婦誹謗罪成判賠23萬元 - Mr and Mrs Paul Chan Found Liable for Defamation and Ordered to Pay HK$230,000 in Compensation
【on.cc東網專訊】 發展局局長陳茂波2011年任立法會議員時,被指與妻許步明聯署發電郵,誹謗其女兒所讀的漢基國際學校校董盧光漢包庇子女作弊。高院今日裁決,指對陳茂波一方大部分指控成立,需向3名原告賠償23萬元。
【on.cc東網專訊】 發展局局長陳茂波2011年任立法會議員時,被指與妻許步明聯署發電郵,誹謗其女兒所讀的漢基國際學校校董盧光漢包庇子女作弊。高院今日裁決,指對陳茂波一方大部分指控成立,需向3名原告賠償23萬元。
2014年9月29日 星期一
Hong Kong Protest 20140928 - 示威者中環佔路 旺角銅鑼灣愈見擠擁
Statement of the Hong Kong Bar Association on the Use of Force by the Hong Kong Police at Harcourt Road on 28 September 2014
1. The Hong Kong Bar Association ("HKBA") is deeply disturbed by, and deplores and condemns, the excessive and disproportionate use of force by the Hong Kong Police on demonstrators gathering at Harcourt Road in the afternoon of 28 September 2014.
2. The circumstances in which the Hong Kong Police commenced the use of CS gas on demonstrators gathering at Harcourt Road in the afternoon of 28 September 2014 were well documented in the local and international media. Even though on occasions, a minority of demonstrators became confrontational with the police, the overwhelming majority of the demonstrators were visibly conducting themselves peacefully. Many demonstrators were young students. There had also been widespread reports of absence of display of visual signs before the use of CS gas.
3. There can be scope for disagreement on the underlying political debate or demands leading to the demonstration. Some demonstrators may have committed criminal offences during the course of the demonstration. However, none of the above matters can justify the use of excessive or disproportionate force by the Police against unarmed civilians as a matter of law and common decency. Even after giving due allowance to the professional judgment of the police force in the maintenance of public order and the prevention of public disorder in a difficult and delicate situation, the HKBA still considers that there was plainly no justification to commence the use of CS gas against peaceful demonstrators, let alone repeated, systematic, indiscriminate and excessive use of CS gas. The escalation in the use of force by the Hong Kong police in such circumstances was uncalled for, disproportionate, excessive and had unnecessarily aggravated public feelings of resentment and frustration.
Dated 29 September 2014
2014年9月23日 星期二
北京神秘人送上千萬 許仕仁照收如儀 - Mysterious Man From Beijing Gave Raphael Hui HK$11M; Raphael Hui Took It and Did Not Declare Receipt
(Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20140923/52932645)
(Source: http://hk.apple.nextmedia.com/realtime/news/20140923/52932645)
2014年9月10日 星期三
2014年9月8日 星期一
Paul Chan and Frieda Hui Accused of Defamation - 發展局局長陳茂波被指與妻子許步明聯署電郵誹謗漢基國際學校校董盧光漢及其龍鳳胎子女
發展局局長陳茂波被指與妻子許步明聯署電郵誹謗漢基國際學校校董盧光漢及其龍鳳胎子女 - Paul Chan and Wife Accused of Defamation
Development Secretary Paul Chan Mo-po and his wife Frieda Hui Po-ming are being sued by Carl Lu and his twin children Jonathan and Caitlin, both 20, in the Court of First Instance.
The Lus say that emails sent by the couple between December 1 and 15, 2011, ruined their reputations. Carl Lu is a well-known businessman and member of the Chinese International School board of governors. His children were pupils at the school, and Jonathan Lu was head boy.
The Lus' lawyer, Robert Whitehead SC, described Chan's and Hui's allegations as a "nasty situation". The couple had said in the emails they were acting out of love for the school.
"It is OK to love the school, but it is not a licence to repeatedly libel two schoolchildren and their father," Whitehead said.
The case started with a rumour among pupils and their parents in November 2011, Whitehead said, after four pupils claimed that the twins had behaved suspiciously during an exam because they looked around and had slips of paper.
The pupils reported it to their teacher and the school conducted two inquiries but ruled there was no evidence showing that the twins had cheated.
The daughter of Chan and Hui was in the same year as the twins in the school, and Hui sent an email titled "Head boy cheating" to 14 parents and the parent-teacher association's former chairman on December 1, 2011.
In the email, Hui wrote that she had heard that the twins escaped punishment because their father was a member of the school's board of governors.
Whitehead said Hui specified that her husband Chan was then a lawmaker and repeatedly said "Paul and I had the same feeling" to make her claims appear more credible.
On December 3, Justin Alexander, head of the school's secondary section, called Hui to inform her that the school found the twins had "no case to answer" to the cheating allegation, the lawyer said.
But Hui continued sending the emails to other parents, including to Teresa Ko Yuk-yin, a parent and a solicitor, on December 6. She also said Jonathan Lu had been suspected of having cheated a year earlier but was never punished for it.
Whitehead said Hui did not know Ko personally, but asked her to attend a meeting to discuss the matter with the school's headmaster two days later. Hui then sent emails to other parents, writing "Good news, Teresa will attend. She is a famous and experienced lawyer and it will put us in an advantageous position."
The lawyer said Chan might resort to "BMW, or blame my wife" as his defence, but Hui had used Chan's name to send the emails and he was included in the mailing list as well.
Chan also had to bear the liability as he allowed those emails to be spread, Whitehead said.
Describing defamation as an "assassination of people's reputation", Whitehead said: "One cannot evade their liability by claiming that it was a rumour." Hui made matters worse by circulating the rumour, he added.
The trial, which is expected to last, continues before Mr Justice Anthony To Kwai-fung and a seven-person jury today.
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